Are you a webmaster? And not too happy with your current number of page hits? Don't hesitate! Join the BANNER PYRAMID now!

JOIN THE BANNER PYRAMID. Webmaster! With this banner service, you can get 1000's of hits even if you hardly have any hits now! Join now!
Specy's Travel Pictures - Many photos of the Swiss and Austrian Alps. Mostly glaciers and animals. Includes Aletsch Glacier, Morteratsch Glacier, Rettenbachferner, mountain marmots (Murmeltiere) etc.

How it does not work (1)
Many banner programs show your banner if you show somebody elses. The problem is that you already need to have a lot of traffic to get a lot more. Say that one in 50 people click on your banner, which is reasonable if you don't offer something free on your site. That would mean that you get 2% more visitors. Ok, some extra banners are shown due to that, but you can see that these numbers are really low. If you have 10 visitors a day, you would get one extra visitor every 5 days because of your banner, and only if your banner is shown on another page for each hit you get, which is usually not the case. So get rid of those banners! They just don't work!

How it does not work (2)
Some programs like this one ask you to place a high number of banners on your site. Sometimes even 5 banners! But who wants to have a site which is completely screwed up by banners! So many people will add the banners to the bottom of their site, where no-one will see them! So you'll get even less hits than the 2% in the above example!

How it does work
We ask you to show only one (1) banner on your site. You can put it whereever you like: at the bottom, at the top, or even in a pop-up window. This is how it works:
1. You show a banner with an add for the BANNER PYRAMID on your site.
2. People who are interested in what the BANNER PYRAMID is, will click on it to find out.
3. They will find a page (which is located on your site), which contains this text and a list of 5 banners. The fifth one (the one at the bottom) is your banner!
4. If they decide to join, they have to place the banner that is at the top of the list on their site. They also copy this page. On the copied page, they remove the top banner from the list and add their own banner at the bottom. So your banner is shifted up one position.
5. If someone visits the page of the person who copied it from your site, site, your banner will shift up again, untill it gets to the top and is shown on many sites.
How many sites? Lets say, 10 people see the banner on your site and join the BANNER PYRAMID. And lets say, all those pages are again visited by 10 people who decide to join, etc. Then your banner will be shown on 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 100,000 sites!

Note 1: You don't need a lot of visitors to be succesful here! If only one page with many visitors copies your banner, 1000's of other pages will do so too!

Note 2: This will be more succesful than banner programs which ask you to show 4 of 5 banners on your site, since more other webmasters will join if they only have to show one banner. Also, it is in their own interest to make the banner visible! The banner that makes people join the BANNER PYRAMID through their site is the same one that promotes yours!

Note 3: Other than with other services, it will take some time before your banner is shown anywhere and you start to see the results. On the other hand, if your banner is the only one that is shown, it will stand out more than if 4 or 5 are shown, so after a while your patience will pay off!

Ok, I want to join! How do I do that?
First of all, you need a banner. The size of this banner in pixels may not exceed 468 x 60. I will assume that it's already somewhere on your site. If not, upload it now. 1. Copy this file (pyramid.htm) to your site.

2. Copy the banner image below (pyramid.gif) to your site. Place it in the same directory as this file!
JOIN THE BANNER PYRAMID. Webmaster! With this banner service, you can get 1000's of hits even if you hardly have any hits now! Join now!

3. The following code will display the banner and a link to the BANNER PYRAMID. Place this code somewhere on your pages. Note: The more visible it is, the more people will find out about the BANNER PYRAMID through your site and copy your banner as they go along! So feel free to place it on several pages!
Note: If you place the images and this file in another directory than the file in which you place the code, you must change the directories accordingly!
(This code can be copied from the browser screen)

  <table width="468" height="77" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="center">
  <tr height="17" align="center" valign="top"><td align="center" valign="top" width="468" height="17">
  <a href="pyramid.htm"><img src="pyramid.gif" width="468" height="17" border="0" alt="JOIN THE BANNER PYRAMID. Webmaster! With this banner service, you can get 1000's of hits even if you hardly have any hits now! Join now!"></a><br>
  <tr height="60" align="center" valign="top"><td align="center" valign="top" width="468" height="60">
  <!-- START BANNER -->

  Replace this line by the banner code! See step 4.

  <!-- END BANNER -->

(You can also copy the text below if you open this page in an editor)
JOIN THE BANNER PYRAMID. Webmaster! With this banner service, you can get 1000's of hits even if you hardly have any hits now! Join now!
Replace this line by the banner code! See step 4.

4. Copy the code for the top banner (in the banner list at the bottom of this page) and place it between <!-- START BANNER --> and <!-- END BANNER --> in the code under step 3..

5. Go back to your copy of this page. Remove the top banner at the bottom (the one you just added to your own site), and add the code for your own banner at the bottom. A small explaination is given at the bottom of this page, just above the banners.

6. Test whether both parts of the banner function properly.

The banners:
This is a list of 5 banners. If you join the BANNER PYRAMID, you have to show the top banner on your site. After that, you must remove it from this list and add your own banner at the bottom.

Adding a banner
Let's assume that your site is located at, and your banner is located at Your banner is sized 468 x 60. For browsers that don't show images, you want to use the following description: This describes my site.
In that case, this is what you should add:

  <a href="" target="_top">
  <img src="" width="468" height="60" border="0" alt="This describes my site"></a><br>
  <!-- END BANNER CODE -->

Especially note the <br> at the end. DO NOT PLACE A SPACE OR A NEW LINE just before </a> or between </a> and <br>! If you do the add does not display as it should on some browsers.

Make sure that you type the entire link to your banner (, not just something like images/banner.gif. Other sites won't copy your banner, they only copy the link that you typed! This way, you can change the banner at any time, and all pages that show it will immediately show the changed banner.

Please add the width- and height-parameters in the image tag. If you don't, parts of the site cannot be displayed until your add is loaded. This might even cause people to remove your add from their site altogether!

Here is the banner list:

v   This is the banner that you must place on your site:   v
JOIN THE BANNER PYRAMID. Webmaster! With this banner service, you can get 1000's of hits even if you hardly have any hits now! Join now!

JOIN THE BANNER PYRAMID. Webmaster! With this banner service, you can get 1000's of hits even if you hardly have any hits now! Join now!

JOIN THE BANNER PYRAMID. Webmaster! With this banner service, you can get 1000's of hits even if you hardly have any hits now! Join now!

JOIN THE BANNER PYRAMID. Webmaster! With this banner service, you can get 1000's of hits even if you hardly have any hits now! Join now!

Specy's Travel Pictures - Many photos of the Swiss and Austrian Alps. Mostly glaciers and animals. Includes Aletsch Glacier, Morteratsch Glacier, Rettenbachferner, mountain marmots (Murmeltiere) etc.

^   this is where you must add your own banner   ^